Cancel your subscription to MapChick’s Isla Mujeres app at any time to prevent automatic renewal at the end of your yearly subscription.
How to cancel a subscription on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
- Open the Settings app.
- Tap your name.
- Tap Subscriptions.
- Tap the subscription that you want to manage.
- Tap Cancel Subscription. If you don’t see Cancel, the subscription is already canceled and won’t renew.
Step by step instructions with images for Apple users HERE
How to cancel a subscription on your android
- Important: When you uninstall the app, your subscription won’t cancel.
- Open the Google Play app .
- At the top right, tap the profile icon.
- Tap Payments & subscriptions Subscriptions.
- Select the subscription you want to cancel.
- Tap Cancel subscription.
- Follow the instructions.